Saturday, August 30, 2008

Just Thinking Out Loud

Let me just put this out there.

I was wondering how far back Donna Brazille has been planning the BO campaign.

Could this really go back more than 8 years?

Wasn't she the campaign manager for Al Gore in 2000?

What a lousy campaign, and of course we know who has been the prez for the last 8 years.

Donna is either a brilliant strategist or she screwed up big time on Al's campaign.

Could she and Rove have been in cahoots for 8 years? Washington is a small place and it would not be unusual for the two to have known each other.

Think about it, put numb nuts bush into the Whitehouse for 8 years and people would be hungry for change, any change. And along comes BO.

Do you believe Donna Brazille is brilliant or incompetent?

My opinion is, from all I have seen, she is not incompetent.


Donna and Rove did know each other before the 2000 election.

Brazile speaks to the National Press Club on May 2, 2001 about Election Reform, Every Vote Counts (excerpts)

"Karl and I met over a year ago at a small restaurant in Manchester, New Hampshire. Like most political operatives who meet for the first time, we made a bet on the outcome of the 2000 presidential election."

Her website confirms that.

"Rules are not sacred... principles are"

Franklyn D. Roosevelt

Sexism Begins Again

Yes sir, you thought this might be the end of the ole misogyny and sexism in the media. Maybe they heard the voices of concerned women. No, No ,NO.

The ink wasn't dry on the contract between John McCain and Sarah Palin when here the pigs come out of the woodwork just like a swarm of termites. I was listening to Lou Dobbs radio show yesterday and most of the callers referred to the fact that
Sarah is the mother of five children, the youngest was diagnosed with Down syndrome, how could she care for the youngest and be Vice President.


If she was a man, the automatic assumption would be that the spouse would handle the children. But we forget that apparently the males of the species ain't got the brains to change a diaper or feed a baby, is that it? Well, I disagree, males ain't that stupid. In fact I have actually witnessed males care giving with children and they did a pretty good job.

I, personally, think Todd Palin will make a great Second Lady Man. He cleans up real well and ain't bad looking, well actually, he is more like "eye candy".

Oh, let us not forget, foreign policy experience. Why are they comparing her experience to Joe Biden? The top of the Dem ticket, remember that is BO, has NO FOREIGN POLICY EXPERIENCE.

Sarah Palin has more executive expedience than BO and biden put together.

"Rules are not sacred... principles are"

Franklyn D. Roosevelt

Friday, August 29, 2008

Time For Serious Conversation

What's that old joke? Now that we have established what you are, now we can negotiate the price.

All kidding aside, now that we have established what the Democratic party is, undemocratic, equality for all (if you are male), it is time to have serious conversation about one of the most important elections in my lifetime.

After 8 years of the W administration, we have a lot of work to do. W and cheney have amassed an unprecedented amount of power in the Executive branch of the government, not a good thing.

The exec branch has the right to listen to phone calls of the citizens without a warrant, with the Patriot Act, there is a clause known as the "sneak & peak, which allows government agents to enter without a warrant your home, business, or other property, look around and then obtain a warrant on what they saw. Let us not forget that the exec branch has the right to pickup any citizen as an enemy combatant and hold them without benefit of a lawyer, a phone call to their families, or even know why they are being detained. Have any abuses taken place so far? Unknown, don't know if we will ever get a real answer.

That my friend is a shit load of power, it is the power of a king or dictator. No checks no balance. No democracy.

Do you want to entrust this much power into the hands of BO? Do you trust him? Can you trust him? If he is willing to disenfranchise millions of voters in Florida and Michigan and cheat in the caucuses, to steal the primary, is he what you want for President?
Don't forget he sat 20 years in the pews at Reverend Wright's church, listening to the good rev rant and rail about "god damn America".

He is willing to say anything to get elected, but look into his eyes, there is no one home.

Bo "preaches", be your brother's keeper, but his half brother, George lives in ramshackle hut and is hungry most of the time and he does not have the decency to reach out to help him. Ask yourself, will he take care of our young men and women in the military if he won't help his own blood?

Bo is a snake oil salesman. He promises cures for all your ills but has no concrete plans to do so. Snake oil, my friends, snake oil.
The Dems will win a majority in the House and Senate, this election. Is it a good idea to have one party rule both the Executive branch and Legislative branch. Remember what happened with Republican dominance of both?

"Rules are not sacred... principles are"

Franklyn D. Roosevelt

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Death of Democracy

The convention in Denver was a sham, but I knew it would be.  Conventions are no longer about democracy and picking the best candidate, they are about putting on a show.  Everything is stage managed.  No real discussion on important issues.

On June 1st, after the idiotic decision of the RBC of the DNC, I declared independence from the sham party.  I told the DNC to shove it where the sun don't shine. 

I listened to Johnny Paycheck and changed his lyrics to fit the occasion.

Take this party and shove it

I ain’t voting there no more

My woman done left

And took all the reason I was working for

You better not try stand in my way

as I am walking out the door

Take this party and shove it

I been voting in this party

Ni on 40 years

All this time I watched my woman

Drowning in a pool of tears

I seen lot of good folks die

Had a lot of bills to pay

I’ll give the shirt offin my back

‘cause I got the guts to say

Take this party and shove it

"We cannot go forward until Florida and Michigan are taken care of, otherwise the eventual nominee will not have the legitimacy that I think will haunt us. I can imagine the ads the Republican Party and John McCain will run if we don't figure out how we can count the votes in Michigan and Florida."
Hillary Clinton

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Because She Is A Woman

That is why Hillary is held to a different standard.  Women have always been held to a different standard.  They have had to work 4 times harder than a man and the man ends up with all the credit.

When Ted Kennedy ran against Jimmy Carter, he did not end his campaign until the convention began.

The Democratic convention has always had a full roll call vote.  So why not this time?  Oh yeah, Hillary is a woman and that 's OK to dis her, right?

I started this post at 5:30AM this morning but was unable to finish as time, as often happens, ran out and had to get off to work.

Well, it is over.  Hillary was forced to concede.  She is  a woman, what else could she do?

I remain firm in my conviction, no BO.

"We cannot go forward until Florida and Michigan are taken care of, otherwise the eventual nominee will not have the legitimacy that I think will haunt us. I can imagine the ads the Republican Party and John McCain will run if we don't figure out how we can count the votes in Michigan and Florida."
Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It isn't Hillary's Place.

It isn't up to Hillary Clinton to "deliver" the 18 million votes to BO.
Please inform those "talking heads" they "we" have been emancipated for many years now.  WE  are not bubble heads.  WE have minds of our own.  We are intelligent, hard working men and women who voted for what we believed would be best for our country and we will continue.

The talking heads should be asking why BO is not reaching out to those 18 million voters.  They should be asking why he cannot appeal to working class men and women.

Let me explain one more time for those idiots out here who do not understand plain English.

My issue with BO began when he did not stand for votes being counted in the state of Florida.  He also block any hope we had of getting a re-vote.  Then he had the audacity to make sick jokes about counting those votes. 

Mess with my vote you get on the fighting side of me.

As for mrs BO, I saw her in an interview.  When asked if she would campaign for Hillary if she was the nominee,  mrs BO just sat there looking like a bump on a log.  Too idiotic of a look to describe here.  Real Democrat?  Hell fire no that bitch is not.

Many times I have been asked if Hillary was picked as VP, would I consider voting Democratic in November,  my answer is Hell NO.

"We cannot go forward until Florida and Michigan are taken care of, otherwise the eventual nominee will not have the legitimacy that I think will haunt us. I can imagine the ads the Republican Party and John McCain will run if we don't figure out how we can count the votes in Michigan and Florida."
Hillary Clinton

Monday, August 25, 2008

100 Years, Will History Repeat?

From July 7 -10, 1908, the Democratic National Convention took place in Denver.
Women were pushing for the right to vote nationally.

Once again the Dems reject women and their issues.

That year, the delegates nominated William Jennings Bryan for their Presidential candidate and John Kern for Vice President.

The theme of the convention's platform was "Shall the people rule?”

From the platform--- The conscience of the nation is now aroused to free the government from the grip of those who have made it a business asset of the favor-seeking corporations. It must become again a people's government and be administered in all its departments according to the Jeffersonian maxim, "equal rights to all; special privilege to none.
"Shall the people rule? is the overshadowing issue which manifests itself in all the questions now under discussion."

"Rules are not sacred....principles are."
Franklyn D. Roosevelt

"We cannot go forward until Florida and Michigan are taken care of, otherwise the eventual nominee will not have the legitimacy that I think will haunt us. I can imagine the ads the Republican Party and John McCain will run if we don't figure out how we can count the votes in Michigan and Florida."
Hillary Clinton

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I Can See Clearly Now The Rain Is Gone

TS Fay has move on.