I started this blog because I believe the DNC was unfair not counting votes or having new primary in FL & MI.
I did not become disillusioned with Senator Obama until he started making fun of people who wanted the votes to be counted or a re-vote. Then, through a little digging and a few phone calls, I found out that Senator Obama was THE reason FL & MI could not have new primaries, he & his "people" blocked every effort. Hillary, on the other hand has fought for voters' rights for many years. Hillary heard our voices (the invisible). Hillary spoke out to have the votes counted. Obama just kept making fun of us. And his "hired bloggers" are abusive to anyone who dares disagree with HIS views.
Well, now that Senator Clinton has suspended her campaign and Senator Obama is the nominee(?) who did not want my primary vote, but now he wants my vote in November...NO WAY, Jose.
I am passionate about loving my country.
I live in Florida and we are very sensitive about votes.
Because I love my country, I put country before party. That is why I am supporting John McCain for President in 2008. Senator McCain crosses party lines because he puts country before party.