Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Because She Is A Woman

That is why Hillary is held to a different standard.  Women have always been held to a different standard.  They have had to work 4 times harder than a man and the man ends up with all the credit.

When Ted Kennedy ran against Jimmy Carter, he did not end his campaign until the convention began.

The Democratic convention has always had a full roll call vote.  So why not this time?  Oh yeah, Hillary is a woman and that 's OK to dis her, right?

I started this post at 5:30AM this morning but was unable to finish as time, as often happens, ran out and had to get off to work.

Well, it is over.  Hillary was forced to concede.  She is  a woman, what else could she do?

I remain firm in my conviction, no BO.

"We cannot go forward until Florida and Michigan are taken care of, otherwise the eventual nominee will not have the legitimacy that I think will haunt us. I can imagine the ads the Republican Party and John McCain will run if we don't figure out how we can count the votes in Michigan and Florida."
Hillary Clinton

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