Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bucket of Fluff?

Joe biden's colors finally show through.  He said "You are good! My Lord!"  after barbara theaker, a supporter, introduced him at a rally.  she said "Barack Obama has made an intelligent choice for the vice-presidency.  "So very different this is from that bucket of fluff that the Republican candidate has chosen for the same position."

It hard for me some times to believe that "women" are so willing to batter other women or to encourage the battering, or to stand by silent while this abuse takes place.  Thus the "battered woman's syndrome " is passed from generation to generation, without the breaking of the cycle of violence against women.  It begins with belittling a woman's worth, verbal abuse, then escalates to physical abuse.  Women should stop abusing or encouraging others to abuse their own.

And besides that, I would not call a moose hunter a bucket of fluff.  Sarah Palin is a tough, intelligent woman.

"Rules are not sacred... principles are"

Franklyn D. Roosevelt

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