Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Independence Day

I have changed my party after almost 40 years of being a loyal Dem, I have now become an Independent.

We must put our great country before party. And in order to do that we need to put the most qualified candidate into OUR HOUSE, The White House. That candidate is John McCain.

John McCain has demonstrated year after year that he puts this country above petty politics.


Please join me in helping John McCain become the President of The United States of America.

1 comment:

  1. I have been a loyal Democrat for ever, years and years. I will no longer support the Democratic party because: They, led by Howard Dean, Donna Brazile, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Chris Dodd, Nancy Polsky, etc., all but Dean and Brazile, good old Washington insider gang of thugs. I was appalled when members of the Senate and Congress went against their state's choice (a state that was loyal enough to elect them) and endorsed Obama against the majority of their constituent's vote and wishes. If our Democratic leaders are no more loyal to the people that voted them into office just how loyal will they be to this country. Not very, they will be self serving as corrupt and greedy as they have been during this primary election. I hate the way the DNC fought to get Obama elected over the voters choice with corrupt caucuses and superdelegates making the bulk of vote go to Obama. No thanks. We have had enough of this Bush type tactics to last a lifetime and putting the puppet Obama in office will be another four years of Bush and company tactics. DNC loves to call McCain another Bush but, so far as I can see, the Obama machine is more like Bush than McCain will ever be. The DNC is a corrupt gang of voter thieves and much more. I will vote for McCain and all the other Republicans running for office until I see all the good old Democrat Washington insiders packing their bags. Believe me they will be packing. The majority of core Democrats are sick of this bunch that is acting more like the Bush Administration than any Republican running.
