Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Can You trust the News Media to Give You the Right Information About the Candidates?

Does the news media have bias?

Who really picks who will be the next president? You? Does the media bombard you information about the candidate "they have chosen"?

The answer may be surprising. And you thought it was your choice. has put together some interesting facts regarding the media coverage from December 26, 2007 through February 5, 2008.
FAIR found the candidates were put into a relatively clear three-tier system by the networks; we’ll call them high-, medium- and low-visibility candidates. Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney fell in the high-visibility category; John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee and Fred Thompson fell in the medium-visibility category; and Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul and Bill Richardson fell in the low-visibility category. (Some candidates, including Democrat Mike Gravel and Republican Duncan Hunter, received no coverage at all during the study period.)
Total mentions on Nightly Network News
Number of times each candidate appeared on World News, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News (12/26/07–2/5/08). An appearance was tallied each time a candidate was mentioned, had a soundbite or interview, or had a campaign ad included in the newscast.

The media has decided Obama is the person to be the next President of the United States.

Will you let this happen?

Tell the media "Hell no, we won't go". No Obama today. No Obama ever.

Please go to John McCain's website and give money if you can..or time.



    Wednesday, July 9, 2008
    CNN Still Can't Bring Itself to Say Palin's Name

    Last night on Election Center with Campbell Brown, a bunch of CNN talking heads discussed potential VP's for John McCain. They mentioned about 12 names overall, and also threw in a couple nonsensical wildcards just for one. One person they didn't mention? Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin.

    It's becoming embarrassing to the MSM to watch their avoidance of a VP candidate nearly every serious pundit and analyst considers to be one of the frontrunners, but one of the best choices for McCain. Bill Kristol of the New York Times and The Weekly Standard actually came out a short while ago and flat-out predicted that Palin would be McCain's VP choice. But instead of even mentioning her name, CNN touted Joe Lieberman as the best option for McCain and one of their "experts" even claimed "the right would love it". They must have been talking to the three Obamacons again (oh those ever elusive Obamacons...). This kind of crap reporting is why CNN is getting clobbered by Fox News.
    Written by Joshua Lawson at 10:07 AM

    Dave Hilts said...
    How typical. I agree with previous commentors on this topic. It really appears as if the MSM is quite frightened of Gov. Palin. Let's hope McCain makes the right choice.
    July 9, 2008 10:23 AM

    Anonymous said...
    If you're a Republican, when in doubt, do the exact opposite of what the mainstream media is telling you to do. works every time.
    July 9, 2008 10:23 AM

  2. MSNBC is shameless in its support for BO.
